About Us

Company Profile

Company name Lookverin
Date of establishment December 17, 1982
Capital JPY 3,000,000
Address 1781-3 Minamikaname, Hiratsuka city, Kanagawa, Japan
Board member CEO:Shinichi Miyamoto
CFO:Kiyoshi Omura
CSO:Takahiro Enami
Qualified invoicing Business Registration No. T2010502012283
E-mail address info@lookverin.com

CEO message

Currently, there are many technical barriers to the introduction of video advertising.
Some media may have a hard time or even give up when they first start to introduce video advertisements.

This is exactly what happened to us.
While we have a VAST plan, we have to spend budget each time we outsource development to a company for maintenance and version upgrades, which are troublesome at the time of introduction, and we believe that there are many cases where the revenue from the introduction of video ads is greatly reduced.

With the heyday of video advertising just around the corner, we wondered if there was some way to create an advertising system that anyone could easily implement.

Adlook Player makes it easy to do so.

All you need to install is adlook.js (1 line) and a script that calls the player (1 line). The API for video reward ads can also be easily implemented using only javascript, and we have prepared a wide variety of samples and methods.

We want to make it easy for you to place video ads at low cost.
We look forward to working with you to help create the media of tomorrow.

Shinichi Miyamoto, CEO

DSP Service Campaign Price



Guaranteed Impressions

Price per 30-second commercial

  • ※Unit price per 1,000 plays. ※Non-term guarantee
  • ※Complete viewing unit price is subject to error.
There are no other costs incurred other than those listed above, so high cost performance operation is possible.
We hope that those who have wanted to try video advertising but have been unable to do so will give it a try.

Recommended for

Advertising agencies, small and medium-sized companies,
and individuals who already have videos

Want to spread awareness of your products and services

Want to increase traffic

Want to increase conversions

Want to try video advertising

You want to try video ad sharing outside of apps

I am looking for a site that can distribute video ads

I don't know where to attract customers

image of trouble


Contact us anytime! Please feel free to contact us!

Michao!! DSP to discuss your needs.

Why Michao!! is Chosen

Thanks to you, Michao!! is now being hired by a major website.
Increase your company's profits with reliable services.

Reason01 Deliver to any device.

Michao!! is a service that can be implemented in web browsers, which was not possible until now, so many of the sites it is installed on are web-based, making it possible to appeal to a wide range of users.

Reason02 Ads are operated with complete viewing completion.

Michao!!DSP does not allow you to skip ads, so you can be sure that you will be seen. The ad viewing completion rate is over 90%. For example, if there is an interesting article on a news site, users will be able to view it after viewing the ad, increasing awareness of the ad.

Reason03 It's cheap anyway!!

With Michao!!DSP, one video ad playback @ JPY2 This cost-effectiveness makes it possible to distribute to large-scale news sites. We look forward to working with advertising agencies, so please feel free to contact us.

Flow of delivery

Flow chart from inquiry to delivery


Please contact us with your budget and wishes.


Place Order
When placing an order, please confirm the Terms of Use and follow the procedure for issuing an invoice.


Submission and review of commercial materials
Please send us your commercial video for distribution, and we will review it.


Start of Distribution
After the review is complete, we will begin distribution of your advertisement. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions after the distribution.